Celebrating Halloween while being in pandemic this year

 Celebrating Halloween while being in pandemic this year

A child holding a Pumpkin by hiding her face with it.
Halloween Celebration

Celebrating events while keeping in mind that we are in the middle of a pandemic is very important. You have to keep in mind the safety of everyone, including your family so that you can still enjoy the holiday while keeping yourself and your family safe. Since Halloween is just around the corner, many people are excited to celebrate halloween it. We shouldn’t forget is that we are still at the risk of catching coronavirus. So even though your kids want to do the trick or treating, you have to make sure they enjoy the Halloween spirit while being safe.

Mindful parenting is your responsibility and so celebrating Halloween in pandemic You have to make sure that Halloween, just like every year, is fun this year, too, but while doing that, you have to keep your kids on the safe side. No matter how much you try, your kids will want to enjoy Halloween and do the fun things they used to do in the past years. So, you have to make up the ideas for yourself so that they can have the best Halloween experience even in the middle of the pandemic.

Following are the few creative COVID- Friendly ways that you can do on Halloween this year

Show costumes virtually

Since costumes are what kids get most excited about, you can still let them show off their costumes by virtually showing it to their friends. Kids would be aware of the technology because of staying so long at their home, so it’s better to get the best use of it and allow them to keep in contact this year’s Halloween. You can do a virtual meeting with all their friends and parents and have them and yourself wear your Halloween costumes.

Go on a walk

You can still go out while maintaining a social distance from the others. You can go out on the walk with your kid all dressed up and have them show off their costumes to the entire neighborhood. This celebration can be completely safe and will be a new exciting experience for your kid. Halloween can be just like any other trick or treating, but you won’t be visiting a house this year. Kids can be quite understanding when you explain the situation to them nicely.

Make sure to wear a mask.

There are so many fun looks that you can create while wearing a mask. So, make sure to add a mask to your costumes as well. There are available costumes in the market that have matching masks with them. Still, if you don’t have that, you can also find the YouTube tutorials to create a fun mask yourself. You can create a skull mask or a joker mask that will make your kid look cool and fun this year too. Even if you allow your kid to create these masks with you, they will enjoy setting up their whole costume. This way, they can also go out and communicate with other kids their age while maintaining a pandemic protocol.

Baking or cooking traditions

You can bake the Halloween cookies, cakes, or pies with your kids too. Try to make what your kid likes, and you can also make them help you cook a Halloween meal for yourself. This can be a very interesting experience for your kids, and they may even want to spend further Halloweens this way too. Kids enjoy such things when you make it fun for them. Cookies are something kids look up to the most, so make sure to let them help you with baking cookies.

Watch a movie with them.

There are so many Halloween movies that you can watch with your kids. You can watch movies like Hocus Pocus, Adam’s Family, and many others that your kid will enjoy. You can start this tradition for further years too. To make sure that your kids get excited about it, you can decorate your TV lounge in the Halloween theme, too, and can get those warm cookies you baked in front of you. This way, your kid will be all excited for the movie time and will end up having a good time, and you will be doing good parenting.

Have a jack-o-lantern hunt

Having a jack-o-lantern hunt can be the most fun activity you do with your kids. You can hide the treats around in your yard and have your kids search. This can be just like the easter egg hunt, and in this case, you kids will get everything they collect from their neighbors in Trick-or-treat. Doing this, your kids won’t even be upset about no trick-or-treating this year.

So, these are all the things that you can do with your kids this year on celebrating Halloween in pandemic. All of these things can turn out to make Halloween fun for your kids. If possible, you can also arrange a trick or treating with your neighbors while keeping the pandemic in your mind like people have been doing social distancing at the party.

I know it’s a hard time, and you will not enjoy as much as you use to in the past, but it’s the harsh reality, and we have to accept. No matter how difficult the situation is, you have to keep yourself composed. If you are happy, the family will also be satisfied. Keep up the high spirit and try to make the most of it by planning something unique and be more creative this time.

Remember, this pandemic is not over yet, so don’t take the precautionary measurements on a lighter note. The most important thing is the life and health of your family. Yes, your life is essential because you are the captain, and the captain is in charge of everyone on the ship, just like you are in control of your family.

Try to spend as much time as possible with your family, trust me they will enjoy togetherness more than anything else in the world. I wish all of you a joyful and healthy life.