Challenges faced by parents during online classes

COVID 19 has impacted most of the aspects of our lives in so many negative ways. Including challenges faced by parents during online classes. The things that are under the effect of COVID 19 are not only the health of people but also the education system and our whole economy mistaking a dive.

Striving in such situations has become a lifestyle now and people are learning to cope with such situations. Things that were hard in real life has become even harder, all thanks to COVID 19.

Challenges faced by parents during online classes

The whole education system has been extremely affected by the COVID 19 as well. As even though educational systems have adapted a lot with online classes but still it is going to affect the education system a lot. Which is adding more to the worries of the parents. In trying to cope up with the school systems the parents have to go through a lot of challenges.

Following are some of the challenges that parents may have to face during the whole pandemic caused by COVID 19.especially Challenges faced by parents during online classes

Challenges faced by parents during online classes
Challenges faced by parents during online classes

Helping children with their homework

Helping children with their homework was a struggle in the times before COVID 19. Now it has become even harder for the parents to take out time for their children in completing their assignments. Challenges faced by parents during online classes despite being at home parents with more than one kid have a hard time helping children with their homework.

With the online system, every child has different class timings and that is why it has become impossible for the parents to make out time for each kid. Online classes are not that helpful as the study sessions in classrooms are, so parents now have to do more effort than they were used to of and that has posed a great challenge for the people.

Managing with stress

Even though schoolwork is hard but children before COVID-19 were able to vent out their frustration. It can be done by doing some fun activities at school like playing outdoor with their friends. Now while staying at home they can take part in no such activities ,which have made them more aggressive and they are becoming harder to be dealt with.

Parents are having a hard time keeping their children busy so that they don’t get annoyed by staying at home. Since there are not many things a person can do while staying at home. It is becoming impossible for parents to figure out new ways for their children.

This is also leading towards the clingy behavior of their children towards them and this can create more problems in the future after this pandemic. So, keeping children busy without making them too clingy is a challenge that has been posted on the parents. The mental health of children might be effecting due to lockdown. Handling such stressful situations will also affect the mental health of parents. This situation and the already stressful pandemic may become even more challenging for them.

Disturbance in routine

Routine is very important in a child’s life and going to school is the best way of maintaining that schedule. Challenges faced by parents during online classes as with the pandemic, this whole routine life has been disturbed and there is no timetable for children waking up and attending classes. Most of the classes are early in the day and that is why children don’t get up on time and stay up late.

It’s not only the sleep schedule that has been disturbed but now children don’t get lunch hours and don’t get up for breakfast so their eating schedule is not well too.

Children are no longer enthusiastic about their activities throughout the day because no they don’t have a schedule for their activities.

Children also are spending more time on screen than on activities they should be doing and these are not healthy habits for school-going children. Challenges faced by parents during online classes Including all the added stress it is impossible for parents to enforce strict routines for their children and no matter how hard they try the children still manage to go against their strict routines. For children who are more physically active are trapped inside their homes.

That is why they take out their pent-up energy by playing inside the home and increasing the workload for the parents. If you stop them from playing g inside the house they become more disturbed and aggressive.

Keeping children busy has become a chore

Keeping children busy was so easy before as they had a lot of outdoor and school activities to do. Despite all those activities children were spending more time with their friends and all of that has become impossible now.

The only way children can stay in contact with their friends and stay busy is when they have a phone, computer, or iPad in their hands. The only way they can play games is video games and that has led them to the activity’s parents wish they wouldn’t indulge themselves in. Since keeping your children busy is a goal it is something parents are sacrificing for the sake of some activities. Even if parent s spend time with their children it will add more to the stress of the parents as well.

Lack of teaching abilities

With the whole online system, parents have to teach their children most of the things. Since parents don’t have such great teaching abilities as teachers do so it’s impacting the education of their child. So the whole education system is deteriorating now as no one has the perfect idea of coping with this. To adapt I their teaching abilities parents will need more tie and training for that as this pandemic was not something people were expecting in their lives.

The solution to these problems

It isn’t much you can do to deal with this pandemic until or unless you get a vaccine or this virus can wash away on its own. There are some aspects of life you can deal with and even though it will be hectic for you. You have to keep your own mental and physical health in mind for that too.

Following are some of the solutions to above all. The problems that you are facing with your child’s homeschooling through this pandemic.Challenges faced by parents during online classes


Supervise your child

  • If your teaching skills are not that good then you need to sit through your child’s online classes as well. This way you will know what the teacher is teaching your child. You can explain it better to your child later on. When sitting with your kid listening to their class will give your child some kind of relief as well. Later on, you can explain everything you have learned even if your kid was not listening properly.

Keep in touch with teachers

  • Collaborate with teachers and arrange parent-teacher meetings online to discuss the shortcomings of your kid if there are any. Discuss the study plan so that you can take out time for your kid to prepare for their tests and exams. Discuss with teachers all the ways you can make your child comply with the teaching system.

Take out some time for your kids

  • Make sure to take out some time for your kids from the busy schedule. That time shouldn’t be the time you are helping your kid to study. This time should be for some fun activities that you can do with your child. Such activities are important so that your child can be busy and can have a special bond with you. In this pandemic, you will at least be able to achieve that binding between yourself and the kid. At that time you can take part in some fun activities like playing some indoor games or doing artwork with them. Make sure to give them time while they are indulging in their favourite hobbies. You can also watch a movie together with your kid.

Enforce some responsibility to your child

  • You should also make sure to enforce some responsibility add a schedule in life. Make your child do things at a time draw their whole day’s schedule which should have market class and study timings and the rest f the time you can make them do their favourite activities like their hobbies. You should limit their playtime on-screen by thus schedule so they don’t become addicted to these smart devices. If they dint have any hobbies then make them find what you love doing and help them, develop a hobby. Make sure to have their interest diverted towards something productive that will help them in their future someday.


These are all the possible solutions for your children who are giving you hard time with their homeschooling in this pandemic. It is something children are doing on purpose but it is, in fact, something that they have no control over. Pandemic has affected the mental health of adults because they are staying at home and in comparison, children are getting even more aggressive because of all their favourite activities they are unable to do. Following these simple methods, you can easily deal with your children. Try to make life as easy as possible for the kids.

Also read our post on trustful parenting

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