“Father as a head of the family :myth or reality”

Father as A Head of Family – Expectations vs Reality

Father as a head of the family !You might have heard this in your life at least for once that Father is ahead of the family, and without any doubt, this is true because he is the one making all the important and necessary decisions in the house. He is the one taking care of everyone inside the house financially, and protecting them at every cost. So, it is obvious that he also deserves some respect to lead everyone in the house as their head. Even so many children now think that they need some space to from their parents, especially from their father, because they are interfering a lot in their lives. Well, you need that interference in your lives, and you can easily ask the reason behind this from the ones who have lost their parents at an early age.

Need for Father as Head of Family

It does not matter that at what age you reach in your life, but still, you are always going to need parental guidance about different aspects of life. Especially your father’s guidance, because he is the one meeting different people in the outside world, and facing different situations outside. The things that he tells you are the ones that he has already experienced in his lifetime. You need to remember that all the decisions that are set by your father are just for the safety and betterment of the whole family. Indeed, fathers are not polite all the times, and sometimes he also makes some harsh decisions that might be painful for you, but you need to understand that the only thing that matters for him is the better future for his family.

Wise Decisions Made by Him

At the current situation, it is not easy to understand his decisions, but sooner or later you will realize that how important were those decisions for you. All the decisions that are made by your father are done on the base of his personal experience, and he would never want his family to commit all those same mistakes that he had done in the past. It is obvious that not all fathers are same, some are harsh towards their family from the start, and no matter how old their kids grow, his attitude towards them never change. Still, it does not means that he does not love or care for his family, but there is a possibility that he had led a harsh lifestyle in the past. Then there are the ones who are careful and sensitive when it comes to their family.

Fathers who are Frank towards his Kids

These are the type of fathers who are close to their kids and try to understand all of their problems they are facing in their life, and also try to solve those problems themselves, or by simply suggesting a solution to their kids. As you all are aware that leader is the one who can protect his kingdom and people from any outside and sometime inside harm as well. He is the one who wants to see his kingdom to be the best, with every errand running inside it is smooth and clear. So, same is the case with your father as well, because the only thing that he cares about is the better future for his family, and the only thing that matters for him is the best for their family.

Concept of a Leader

Usually, kids expect from the leader of the house that he will not just be leading them, but also providing them with the utmost comfort throughout their lifespan. At a certain age, this whole concept stays as a reality, but a point will come when your father starts taking harsh and painful decisions for you. Now there is a reason behind this whole concept, and every single living being on this earth goes with the same concept of taking care of their kids at a certain age and then leaving them once they are grown-ups.

Prepare you for Outside World

Whereas your father is not leaving you, but he is preparing for the outside world. The environment and care that you have received in the house, will be the same when you move to the outside world. In fact outside world only depends on the survival, and if you wants to survive in that harsh world outside full of fraudsters and liars, then you need to be strong enough to face all those situations on your own. So basically your father protects you inside the house till you are vulnerable, and needs proper care. As soon as you grow strong, then this is the time when you are ready, and this is the time when you father as the leader of the house prepares you to live in the outside world, which is not easy.

Also read our post on Parents and teenage bonds here

The burden of Being a Head

Being a leader of the family may seem to be cool while ordering everyone around, and controlling everything inside the house, but there is something behind, that most of you are unaware of. First of all, there is the burden of financial issues, which your father has to bear all alone. All the money that he earns, does not belong to him, but all of his money is spent on the upbringing and fulfilling the wishes of his family. It does not matter how hard he works, but each penny that he earns is with the concept of providing the comfort of his family.

Wise and Kind Ruler of Family

It does not mean that a father does not has any wishes of his own, but actually, he prioritizes his family’s wishes above all. Last but not least, a father must pass his judgment on anyone who tries to disobey him or try to break the rules that he has set. Now obviously while he is passing his judgment he needs to be wise, and kind towards that family member, because that person is already close to his heart. So this is a tough situation for anyone, but that is something a Father can do wisely without letting any harm come to his family.

142 thoughts on ““Father as a head of the family :myth or reality””

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